Quack Attack

Quack Attack

"If you are happy and you know it quack quack if you are happy and you know it..." This is what I heard for about 2 hours on a Ride the Ducks land/sea ride. 

Every time I  move to a new city I take an official tour of the city (usually by bus). It is usually pretty cheesy and meant for tourists with children, but it helps me to orient myself in the city  and it provides some historical information I would otherwise not have looked up myself. I had always wanted to go on a duck boat mainly because I wanted to see a car drive into the water successfully.  Even after the trip was over I think that was the highlight.

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Namaste Surfers

Originally: Nov 15, 2014

Paddle board yoga is one of the best non-traditional workouts.  Paddling is probably the easiest part. The harder part is staying balanced so you are not the one that falls into the water. Avoiding embarrassment is the real challenge.

My roommate and I registered for a class through onBoard SUP. I had heard of them through Classpass and was happily surprised they were included. If you register on the OnBoard Sup website each class is only $30 all inclusive. The two instructors were nice and helped us to get accustomed to standing on the boards. Although they said hardly anyone falls in, we did have someone in our group that had a quick dip in the water. 

From the description- "Paddleboard yoga" you pretty much know what you are getting yourself into. Step 1 paddle away from the dock. Step 2 pick a open spot with less boat traffic (this was easy in Sausalito) Step 3. drop the anchor. Step 4 Adho Mukha ŚvānāsanaArdha Matsyendrāsana and Dhanurāsana

If you are confused by Step 4 so I am. Every.Single.Time. I have done yoga for a few years, although far from an expert, I think at this point I should be able to tell the difference between the formal names. However, they all sound the same to me. I tend to agree with Fitbie on the more accurate names. I guess saying "ok now get into rotisserie chicken pose" would not be so "zen."

After we paddled out, enjoyed the view, and did some sun salutations, the other yogis and I had the opportunity to do some harder poses. Surprisingly, some poses are easier on a wobbly board then on land, while others are much more difficult than you would expect. After a few rounds and some great pictures we wrapped up the class. Like I said, pretty much what you would anticipate from the pictures.

OnBoard SUP does two unique adventure apart from the standard paddle board yoga. One is the  their Full Moon Paddle and the other is their Baja retreat. Both look like eligible future SATURDAY adventures.

Until next time. Stay tuned.




The Perfect Day to become a balloon-atic

Originally: Nov 8 2014

I have to say that so far this was my favorite Saturdays. I had researched more out of the ordinary activities than cooking and eating and I came across hot air ballooning. I became OBSESSED.

I had always wanted to go on a hot air balloon. And not the kind that you see on ABC's The Bachelor where there are three people in the basket- pilot and a couple-and the couple is kissing while the pilot pretends not to be there (they are called pilots). Instead I had in mind traveling the world like Richard Branson . I don't want to date myself, but when I was a child there was a Chipmunks adventure movie where they traveled the world in hot air balloons (girls v. boys) and I distinctly remember the moment when I took a mental note that it was on my bucket list as a non-negotiable action item. 

Fortunately, Groupon was having a sale on their already discounted adventures so I was in luck. Not only was there one hot air balloon company, but there were at least 3 on Groupon for the Bay area. Apparently there is a competitive market for hot air balloons in SF, so if you have not done it yet you should.

I selected the one with the best yelp reviews, convenient and nice location (Sonoma), and friendliest person that answered the phone. The morning of we had to leave very early to drive to Sonoma. Balloon flights are early because of air pressure conditions that make it harder to fly in warmer weather, usually later in the day. I did not know this, now you do.

The weather was so nice that the typical one hour ride extended to almost two hours. The wine country view was gorgeous and we even got to see other balloons in the air. The landing was a bit rough as we had to squat on someone's property. Some fellow riders helped to pack the balloon with the crew and soon enough we were on our way back to our cars. 

They provided a snack (lunch was promised, but they had a problem with the kitchen that weekend) and some wine tasting along with a detail explanation of the company, the surrounding area, and how they got started. 

After the balloon shenanigans had ended I felt quite accomplished. However, the day was not over. After we got back to SF my friend and I decided we had time for a crafts fair. We went to the Renegade Craft Fair that they have in several cities. At the fair you can buy and make crafts. It was perfect around the holidays in preparation for gift giving. I loved the create your own terrarium for $10 from Makerskit, the prints from Cactus Club, the hand made jewelry, and recycled library books turned into notepads. 

I ended the day with dinner and a movie in Japan town. I was so excited to see a movie at the Kabuki theater that allows people to reserve seats and order food and drinks ahead. For dinner I had Sushi before the movie nearby.

If you know me well you know why this was my favorite Saturday thus far. :) Side note, the picture from the "Hello" page is from this day.

Until Next Time. Stay Tuned.

2-for-1 Saturdays

2-for-1 Saturdays

As I mentioned in the first post I define adventures loosely as "big or small." Potentially I wrote that so I did not set myself up for failure or as a cop out. Alternatively, some weeks are just not as wild as others and that is OK. 

These two weeks are combined, partially because these adventures are both small and better together and partially because I am trying to catch up to real time SATURDAYS. Here goes...

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Originally Oct 18, 2014

Pick your pony. This Saturday I convinced my friend to rent a car, drive to Golden Gate Fields, and bet on some horses at the racetrack. It is a dangerous thing for a friend to ask me last minute what I am doing because it might entail getting roped into some random scheme I have going. That day was not an exception.

I had been to the race track when I was very young and completely forgot what it would be like as an adult. I imagined big hats, champagne, gloves, etc. I did have a notion this might not be the case knowing that some people spend their lives gambling. My suspicion was correct. The crowd was "interesting" to say the least. There were a few young people. I would say the majority were veterans in the gambling business. Entrepreneurship is still entrepreneurship in the Bay.

First we had to ask what the rules were, how to bet, and which horses would be likely to win. There is a TV that ranks the horse and has expected odds to win. Then theres the ever so scientific art of choosing a horse by the name. Some of the names were quite funny and clever. Others were sexual innuendos that made me a little uncomfortable screaming on the track. The best strategy was asking the ticket salesperson. If they are nice they will tell you what they think. Some are impatient and clearly have no idea what is going on with the horses or jockeys. However, if you find a good teller they may be the key to success. 

Success, mind you, is loosely defined by me as "redeeming my bet" or even "winning a dollar". Because in the end winning is winning. And winning a dollar feels better for morale than loosing 9, even if you don't break even.

Another pro-tip for this activity is to go on $1 Sundays. This clearly is the more economical choice, but does not work with someone with a strict day of the week blog.

Overall, the races were short so the highs of rooting for a horse were worth the thrill. I would stay for at least 3-4 races to make the drive worth it. Either way it doesn't need to consume the whole day.

Until next time. Stay Tuned.

NY I missed you!

NY I missed you!

This was a special Saturday. One of my close friends got married. This may not be as exciting to the world as it was to me, but it was very special for a few reasons.  

First, I had moved form NY to SF in July and had been back once to move out the remaining furniture and junk from the apartment I had sublet. This trip was the first time I would not have a NY address. 

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"I'm turning Japanese, oh yes I'm turning Japanese I really think so"

Originally Sept 27, 2015

I had been wanting to go to the Japanese Tea Garden since I read about an event that the SF botanical Gardens hosted during a full moon.  I am not sure exactly what you do in a Japanese Garden late at night, but I hope to find out Sept 2015. I heard the lines were long and last minute tickets were hard to find, so next year be prepared and bring a sweater.

My bucket list of Golden Gate Park alone is pretty extensive.  So far I have accomplished:

  • Tandem Biking ($30/person) except it's only "comfortable" if you are over 5'8 which I am not
  • Museum for cocktail hour at night- no children, cocktails, and an activity. On the night I went they had dance classes. Each week is a different theme. ($12/person)
  • Hardly Strictly concert (More in the next post) (free!)

All of  the above activities which were *two thumbs up* and cheap- double win!

When I went to cross off the Japanese Tea Garden from the "Golden Gate To do list" I was pleasantly surprised. It was only $6 for residents to enter and they had a restaurant inside with good food and tea. If you go in I recommend the traditional tea, edamame, and some sushi.

The garden is not that large geographically, but there are enough pockets of interesting statutes or bridges that makes walking around interesting. I assume it would be better (less crowded) to go during the week, but then again that wouldn't work for "Saturdays."

Until next time. Stay tuned.

the Biggest Bubbles

the Biggest Bubbles

On this particular Saturday I convinced my mom (who was in town for a conference) to drive to a Sunflower field that I had seen on Yelp. I thought it would be nice to go see sunflowers as I was getting into the Fall decor and Halloween spirit.

There seems to be a reoccurring trend where I go deep into the internets and look for things to do with unrealistic expectations upon arrival...

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Saturday number 2... drumroll please-Wine Tasting! You may consider this a little anti-climatic for a Bay area resident, but I had never been to Sonoma and something at least mildly interesting had to be done for the second week.

 A friend that had previously lived in SF recommended Gloria Ferrer Winery for an afternoon tasting because they had "champagne caves". 

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And so it begins...

Sept 6, 2014

Sept 6, 2014

Originally Sept 6 2014

The concept of the SATURDAZE blog started on SATURDAY [get it? ;)] Sept 6 2014 at a friend's birthday party. I had stumbled upon a bundle of balloons that I immediately had to have and proceeded to run around Crissy Field on a beautiful, sunny, and windy day. The concept of beautiful, sunny, and windy is still something I struggle with logically and emotionally, but that's a topic for another day. At the time I thought "well screw it, at least it's not a NY blizzard. Cool Balloons!"

Having recently moved to SF from NYC (last 4 years), I was determined to explore what all the Northern California fuss was about. From that day on I decided that I would do an adventure on a weekly basis. The adventure could be near or far, big or small. I define "adventure" pretty liberally as you may see in later posts. Since I also love to travel and had some upcoming trips I committed to 'the cause' with no excuse of location.

The goals of the blog:

1. hold myself accountable and continue to plan adventures

2. Share upcoming adventures with friends (hopefully to join)

3. For shits and giggles. Is blogging an "adventure"? I think so...

The name:

Sat·ur·day  (n.) ~ Not a care in the world

 Daze (v.) ~ to dazzle with light

......Also, "Saturdays" was taken (#stupidinternet)


Until next time. Stay Tuned.