/Be a superhero! Fly the Jetlev Jetpack! 30 feet in the air! Over 30 mph top speed! Walk on water! Submarine below the water's surface! Call Jetpack America at (888) 553-6471 to book your flight today or visit our website at JetpackAmerica[dot]com to purchase and schedule online.
Jet packing is one of the coolest SATURDAZE activities around! I first heard of jet-packing from a link my grandmother sent me. I was immediately hooked. For those of you that do not know what jet packing is I will try to explain. The jet-packer (in this case me) was strapped to a 30 lb. backpack. The pack is attached to a hose that propels the jet-packer in the air with water pressure. For the first time rider the jet ski or pod give you throttle. The better you do, the more throttle you can play with. Eventually you can control your own pack.
The instruction prior to launch was to do very small movements that would then change the direction and height at which I was flying. At first it was very simple and I floated around with ease. As I started to overanalyze my movements became less subtle and I had a few crash landings.
Some of the novice moves include dolphin (going in and our of the water), stairway to heaven (walking up the air) and superhero (arm in the air as you fly high).
The video music selection was supposed to be ironic or comical. After I posted the video on instagram a friend reminded me of the Kenny powers episode (also a video above). I hope you enjoy the reference.
Until next time. Stay tuned.